How To Bleach Skin Naturally

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How To Bleach Skin Naturally
Tanning or any random dark spots on the face and skin might result in a messy look. There are a few natural ways of making the skin tone even and lighter. Bleaching the skin is certainly a way to lighten the skin. There are easy homemade recipes to prepare skin bleach with fully naturally occurring bleaching ingredients.

Honey and Milk Powder Mask
Take a spoon of milk powder and some amount of honey. Mix well until the milk powder gets dissolved and blends well. The mixture has to be thick to be used as a skin pack. Apply all over your face, neck, hands, back and other body parts where the skin needs bleaching. Allow for half an hour and wash. It is recommended not to use any soap or body wash made of chemical ingredients. This mask has cleansing, nurturing and lightening properties and thus results in healthy glowing skin.

Tomato and Oatmeal Mask
Tomato is a source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a well-known skin exfoliator and skin lightening agent. When tomato and oatmeal mixed together is applied on the skin it forms a perfect face mask to brighten the skin after a summer holiday. This mask cleanses, exfoliates and brightens the skin easily.

Papaya and Lemon Mask
Papaya is another bleaching ingredient. It is helpful in lightening the skin and reducing tan. Lemon juice is rich in citric acid. Citric acid washes out all the pigmentation and makes the skin look pale. Many ladies look forward to this skin paleness. You can easily prepare a fruity mask which also acts as skin bleach. Mash few pieces of a ripe papaya. Make into a smooth paste and add a spoon of lemon juice. The citric acid can be irritating for some, so dilute the lemon juice if you find it too irritating. Mix well and use as a regular mask.

Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is a miracle plant. The fleshy sap is helpful in numerous ways to the skin. It reduces freckles, wrinkles, fine lines, skin pigmentation, dark spots, blackheads and helps with many more skin problems. Just rub the pulp of the aloe vera on the skin. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash. Follow this regularly to enjoy maximum benefits on your skin.

Yogurt and Rose Water Mask
Yogurt is a natural skin scrub. The lactic acid in it is an excellent remedy for skin lightening. Thus a better and natural way of bleaching the skin. It brings a lovely glow to the skin. Apply a thick layer of yogurt directly on the clean skin. Massage with finger tips and leave it for half an hour. Wash off. Another soothing face mask is the mixture of Gulabari Rose Water and yogurt. Rose water adds extra glow to the skin.
Apart from all of the above mentioned natural way of skin bleaching, you can try Fem’s range of bleaches. They suit many needs of the skin. When used in the right way, Fem bleaches are very effective and provides glowing skin.
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